uuuuh, the transantiago system it´s a complicated topic to talk. Well it´s better depends the borough, in some places the transantiago are a good system, the new buses are better than the others, but the people still unformfortable, and they right. Well in my opinion I think that transantiago is a bad design because it wasn´t necesary change the routs, many people now must walk so much to get a bus stop and in the winter or when rains it´s terrible!
In my experience when the system start i hated it so much!, I always traveled on metro but with the transantiago a lot of people start to go on metro and it´s was and other problem . The metro was full! and you can see on news all the disgustings mans do everything with the school girls. Well but now the thing are better, there are more routs and more buses, the people get use the transantiago. it´s not the best way to travel but it´s fine.
In my opinion I would not change on the routs but I will enfoqued on the streets; The sistem of transantiago now works, but with all the holes on the streets the machine will not surviver for many years, but obviusly we must wait beacause all the changes in this country took a lot of timeee!