Well I study history art, its a career very old but in this country is not very comun, the class has a few students with interest in comun of course ART!
The professionals contribute a lot for the society beacuse we analize the art in a philosophical way and its great how in the same piece of art can be many critics, interpetrations and a lot of point of view.
A student of history art must use many tools like esthetic, philosophy, history art in other things. This elements help us to have a knowledge what we must to have for aplly in our future job. But our career its not only paintings, we learn about movies too and this is a thing that I like it! one of my favourite directors are a Spanish guy, his name is Luis Buñuel his movies are surrealist and he was a Dali`s friends (surrealist painter), Buñuel make many movies but I like one in special, the name is "Viridiana", I´ts a critic for the realigion and charity, in the picture you can see a ironic scene about the "Last dinner" when is compose for homeless people and the blind man is Jesus. I love it!
The esthetic is my favourite subject because I like analize what are behind a painture and understand the maind of the artist.