Hello people!!! Im so happy today because we are in November and the holidays come!!! But now I write about the challenges of my career (Art History) with different topics like technology, social matters and education.
Well the technology never has been friend with the arts in general, but nowadays the thing start to change, for example a weeks ago with some friends we went to Buenos Aires to hear different expositors talking about cuestions refer to arts. One of they talk about the videogames, that is a technological thing, she tell us that her work was "inspirated" in the aesthetics of videogames. That for me was very interesting because Im not used to see that tipe of work and I consider as a challenge because the technology is a topic that could be more exploted for the artists in this days. But in my opinion the art and technology don´t must had a close relation, because the art It´s a way to open our eyes as community and show us how we are, the technology can be a tool to work but don´t be the only thing that the art works, that will be a difficault thing.
Now talking about social matters, for the arts it´s not a big challenge because the work of the arts it´s the community: their behavior, their thinkings, the capitalism and many other things. I don´t want the art start to be only a product of consume, I know that the people nowadays don´t value the art for that it is and the only important is the cost of the work, but the art need be the element of change and not been only a kitsch thing.
And the last topic that we must write is the education, mmmm... a big challenge. But more than the art challenge It´s the state challenge, our country must develop the art education, the art is not a thing of few people, the art must be teaching in the schools and not only in the universities, I don´t talking that the schools must teach the student all the elements to know about art, but we (as students) need know as part of our culture, like we know mathematics, or history.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hi! I will talk about sects, really I choose this topic at the start of the class but honestly I don´t know a lot of this area, Buy well I need talk something.
The sects It´s a group of people with interest in comun can be religions, culture or politics. At the beginigs of the history name SECTS was for the people that follows a person,but now the modern term it´s became a controversial topic because the most of the people when thinking in the sects they related it with dangerous religions rituals and their consider as a problem for the community. The catholic religions it´s against the sects practice because their consider "heresy", that invoqued the devil and other ridiculous stuffs.
I believe that the sects are not a problem for the society, it´s the opcion of a person and we must respect that like we respect all our thinkings, when meanwhile their rituals or believes don´t affects the liberty of the other pepople It´s all rigth! and great for them,but obviously they must respect the other peoples belief.
In my opinion the state must take care of more relevant things like crimes and murders. They must leave alone the sects. But this topic it´s not so easy to talk because in the news a years ago a women of a sects died and she was buried at the garden, her family didn´t know that she past away and then their know that days before,the sect leader was to the jail for buried someone at the garden, not in a cemetery without say the family. It´s a controversial topic because their belief was that someone died they must bueried in the land and not go to the cementery, but for the state thats it´s like a murder and what It´s your opinion about that? It´s a interesting thing to think.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Art Contemporany
Hi! I will talk about some different artist that interest me, that artists I sawfor first time in a galery in London all SAATCHI, the website is http://www.saatchi-gallery.co.uk/ I like so much the contemporany art well not all but this website has a lot of interesting things. But the webside doen't have many information abo
ut it.

The first is a large installation call "Ghost" made for the artist Kader Attia. It's a group of Muslim women in prayer, Attia renders their bodies as vacant shells, empty hoods devoid of personhood or spirit. Made from tin foil - a domestic, throw away material. I like this instalation very much because Attia’s figures become alien and futuristic, synthesising the abject and divine. Bowing in shimmering meditation, their ritual is equally seductive and hollow, questioning modern ideologies - from religion to nationalism and consumerism - in relation to individual identity, social perception, devotion and exclusion. Attia’s Ghost evokes contemplation of the human condition as vulnerable and mortal; his impoverished materials suggest alternative histories or understandings of the world, manifest in individual and temporal experience. The first time that I saw it was for a test, I found out and I love it for the idea of comunity and that was just I look it for.

The other installation that I like so much and I used it in the same test was made for two cuban mans called " Guerra de la Paz" the name of the group is the union of their surnames because one called Alain Guerra and Neraldo de la Paz.
Originally sourcing their materials from the waste bins of second-hand goods shipping companies in Miami’s Little Haiti, Guerra De La Paz make their sculptures from the discarded items of daily life. Viewing their practice as a kind of ‘archaeology’, their work engages with the history inherent in common debris and its possibility for recycled usage. In Nine, a giant mound of clothing heaps with strata of prom dresses, Christmas jumpers, and embarrassing yesteryear fads, bearing down with the weight of a civilisation and its disowned memories. Beneath the fringes of the hulking mass can be seen the feet of nine people supporting the load, a testimony to the strength and value of community, It's in my opinion comun topic in this two installation, the union of the people that make community and a critic for that we are now and our attituds.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
My U
Okey, I will talk about the situation of my university. When I was in the school my dream was stay in this faculty and in my firsts days here I didn´t complain but the days past and past and past and I start to see the bad things. He have a lot of problem started for the infrastructure, the classrooms haven´t the equipment to resist the extreme cold or hot temperatures. And the money, that´s a big problem because this faculty are very poor so for example we don´t have paper for the toilets ( all the universities have it, it´s basic!) because the u haven´t the money for it.
In my opinion the faculty need impovent the clasrooms and the system of award for the good students. Many of us want go out of the country to continue study, but the university don´t have enough money to finance and the big problem is that very inteligent people lose the oportunities because the can finance. I think that it´s a deficit of the system design and problems with the money invest. To fix that we need a organization who see all money movements because all the students need know where going the money and what are the university invests. With this steps all are winers (except the state thief) the art student have more oportunities and the infrastructure improve, started with the toilets, green areas, more data shows, notebooks, etc.
Mmmm, really I don´t have others recommendatios because all that I wrote it´s a nice constructive critic.
In my opinion the faculty need impovent the clasrooms and the system of award for the good students. Many of us want go out of the country to continue study, but the university don´t have enough money to finance and the big problem is that very inteligent people lose the oportunities because the can finance. I think that it´s a deficit of the system design and problems with the money invest. To fix that we need a organization who see all money movements because all the students need know where going the money and what are the university invests. With this steps all are winers (except the state thief) the art student have more oportunities and the infrastructure improve, started with the toilets, green areas, more data shows, notebooks, etc.
Mmmm, really I don´t have others recommendatios because all that I wrote it´s a nice constructive critic.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Come tourist!

Well I will talk about the places that the tourist can go in santiago. A lot of people see santiago like an ugly city but it´s not my opinion because I consider santiago a big city with a lot of nice places to visit. In my opinion a if the tourist have childrens they can visit the brasilian square because is beautifull and its a place when the kids can have a good time playing. The turist can go to the central market, its a typical place for eat "casuela" ( typical chilean food) and see the people customs.
And for some culture you can go to the theater, many young actors now have their own plays and it´s interesting take a look. You can see dramatic or a comedy play, you choose or if you want it´s very nice see dance, visual arts, music. well santiago it´s the capital so you can go to anywhere and do all that you whant.
I will give a top of things that I consider atractive for the tourist:
1.All the circuit of bellas artes museum, forestal park, merced, etc. In that place the tourist can relax, go and drink a coffe with a nice view, walk and see the interesting designer shops and spend his money jajaja.
2 If you want a historian circuit you can go to the "palacio de la moneda", or go to the nacional library, or the archeologist museum for finish your travel with something in a restorant in Manuel Mont calls "El Cachafaz", very nice.
3 And the last place but not less important is Bellavista, I love this place because you can go with your friend drink or eat something, talk with different persons and laugh all the time. Well it´s no very safe for the turist but if you go with carefully won´t happend nothing. Bellavista is great, you seat and can stay all the time that you want and if you are boring can dance, you are free to do anything.
Well this is a few of places that the tourist can go, obviusly miss many but if the tourist have other planes, just pregunta someone and that´s it.
And for some culture you can go to the theater, many young actors now have their own plays and it´s interesting take a look. You can see dramatic or a comedy play, you choose or if you want it´s very nice see dance, visual arts, music. well santiago it´s the capital so you can go to anywhere and do all that you whant.
I will give a top of things that I consider atractive for the tourist:
1.All the circuit of bellas artes museum, forestal park, merced, etc. In that place the tourist can relax, go and drink a coffe with a nice view, walk and see the interesting designer shops and spend his money jajaja.
2 If you want a historian circuit you can go to the "palacio de la moneda", or go to the nacional library, or the archeologist museum for finish your travel with something in a restorant in Manuel Mont calls "El Cachafaz", very nice.
3 And the last place but not less important is Bellavista, I love this place because you can go with your friend drink or eat something, talk with different persons and laugh all the time. Well it´s no very safe for the turist but if you go with carefully won´t happend nothing. Bellavista is great, you seat and can stay all the time that you want and if you are boring can dance, you are free to do anything.
Well this is a few of places that the tourist can go, obviusly miss many but if the tourist have other planes, just pregunta someone and that´s it.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Fur Breakfast

Well thinking in my favourite avant- garde is difficault for me because many artists revolutionized the art.In my opinion I like more de modern art than the old because brake the rules of representation and can used it like a tool to changes more things that the most people think. But well.. I must give the name of an artist so I will talking about one of the firsts womans who incorporated in the artist field ( consider like a mans works) her name is Meret Oppenheim. Her art can be catalogued with the surrealists because she did work with this movement and exposed too with others surrealist paintures.
I like very much her " Fur Breakfast" because she changes the way of view for many persons. She envolved with fur a porcelain cup (an daily object used for the burguesy in that epoch and now in England jajaja), the fur make a discosting sensation and that was the idea, make a a joke of they habits. All this objects with fur will significate a fetichist thing with sexual connotations for the surrealists.
I love her art because was a woman who changes the canon, she posed for the Man Ray´s photographs too, now can be a typical situation but for the epoch no, that was very important because no many womas did that she demostrated that was a moderm girls, visionary and a creative person.
Thursday, August 27, 2009

uuuuh, the transantiago system it´s a complicated topic to talk. Well it´s better depends the borough, in some places the transantiago are a good system, the new buses are better than the others, but the people still unformfortable, and they right. Well in my opinion I think that transantiago is a bad design because it wasn´t necesary change the routs, many people now must walk so much to get a bus stop and in the winter or when rains it´s terrible!
In my experience when the system start i hated it so much!, I always traveled on metro but with the transantiago a lot of people start to go on metro and it´s was and other problem . The metro was full! and you can see on news all the disgustings mans do everything with the school girls. Well but now the thing are better, there are more routs and more buses, the people get use the transantiago. it´s not the best way to travel but it´s fine.
In my opinion I would not change on the routs but I will enfoqued on the streets; The sistem of transantiago now works, but with all the holes on the streets the machine will not surviver for many years, but obviusly we must wait beacause all the changes in this country took a lot of timeee!
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